

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Cara/ Tip Membuat Read More Pada Blog (tambah readmore versi baru)

Fasilitas Read more kali ini di buat oleh Ramani dan Hans. Kelebihannya yaitu ketika pembaca mengklik link Read more, maka keseluruhan artikel bisa terbuka tanpa harus me-loading ulang yang terkadang membuat BT pembaca yang koneksi internetnya rada lelet ( jadi malu, padahal blog saya berat banget untuk di loading), selain itu untuk artikel yang pendek, tulisan readmore nya bisa di hapus sehingga tidak mengganggu pemandangan.

Tapi sayang kode-kode berikut ini hanya berlaku bagi sobat yang memakai template baru saja dan untuk yang memakai template klasik saya ucapkan Kaciaaaaaan deeeeehhh (padahal blog ini pun pake template klasik jadi ga bisa pake ini).

Untuk menyingkat tulisan agar tidak terlalu dipenuhi dengan intermezo yang sedikit membuat bete and ngeselin, langsung saja untuk membuat read more versi baru ini silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :

  1. Sig in di blogger dengan id sobat
  2. Klik menu layout
  3. Klik menu Edit HTML
  4. Klik tulisan Download Template lengkap, silahkan save dulu template sobat, ini untuk mencegah resiko apabila terjadi kesalahan dalam melakukan kesalahan dalam proses editing template
  5. Klik kotak kecil di samping tulisan Expand Template Widget, sekali lagi jangan lupa untuk memberi tanda centang dulu yah
  6. Tunggu beberapa saat sampai proses selesai
  7. Copy kode berikut, lalu paste tepat di atas kode </head>
  8. <script type='text/javascript' src='http://amen24.googlepages.com/Readmore.js' />
  9. Tambahkan kode berikut pada kode template sobat, yang berwarna hitam adalah kode asli dari kode template dan yang berwarna merah adalah kode yang harus di tambahkan :
  10. <h3 class='post-title'> 
    <b:if cond='data:post.url'> 
    <a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a> 
    <div class='post-header-line-1'/> <div class='post-body' expr:id='"post-" + data:post.id'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> 
    <style>#fullpost {display:none;}</style> 
    <span id='showlink'> 
    <p><a expr:onclick='"javascript:showFull(\"post-" + data:post.id + "\");"' href='javascript:void(0);'>[+/-] Selengkapnya...</a></p> </span> 
    <span id='hidelink' style='display:none'>
    <p><a expr:onclick='"javascript:hideFull(\"post-" + data:post.id + "\");"' href='javascript:void(0);'>[+/-] Ringkasan saja...</a></p> 
    <script type='text/javascript'>checkFull("post-" + "<data:post.id/>")</script>
    <div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats --> 
    .... rest of template code .... 
  1. Klik tombol SIMPAN TEMPLATE

Langkah selanjutnya :
  1. Klik menu Pengaturan
  2. Klik menu Format
  3. Copy kode berikut lalu paste pada kotak kosong yang berada di samping tulisan Template posting
  4. <span id="fullpost"> </span>
  5. Klik tombol Simpan Setting
  6. Selesai.

Cara posting artikel :

Pada saat berada pada menu posting, pilih tombol yang Edit HTML jangan pilih yang tombol Compose, maka akan secara otomatis terlihat kode tadi di atas yaitu :

<span id="fullpost">


Simpan artikel yang mau di tampilkan di muka (ringkasannya) di atas kode <span id="fullpost">, dan sisa keseluruhan artikel di simpan sesudah kode <span id="fullpost"> dan sebelum kode </span>.

Untuk artikel yang pendek, sobat tinggal menghapus kode tadi dan nanti artikel muncul tanpa ada kode Selengkapnya.

Untuk contoh nyata saya sudah membuat blog yang sudah memakai sistem ini, silahkan sobat klik tulisan Selengkapnya. untuk membuka keseluruhan artikel, dan klik tulisan Kembali untuk melihat ringkasan artikel.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Cara Mengganti Icon Pada Address Bar

Jika kita membuka suatu website atau blog maka seringkali kita menjumpai ada sebuah gambar atau icon pada address bar (kotak untuk mengetikkan alamat web). Dan jika kita punya blog di Blogspot maka icon default yang akan tampil adalah gambar seperti ini
Bagi kamu yang tidak puas dengan icon/gambar tersebut, kamu bisa menggantinya dengan gambar sesuai dengan keinginanmu. caranya sangat mudah, yaitu dengan membuat gambar (gif, jpg, ico, dan lain2) dengan ukuran kira2 24x42 pixel sampai 32x32 pixel (sebenarnya ukurannya bebas sih, tapi biar filenya kecil dan proses membukanya cepat). Setelah itu .....
masuk ke "Layout -- Edit HTML" trus tempatkan script berikut sebelum kode "</head>"

<link href='http://kendhin.890m.com/sonictrik.gif' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>

ganti huruf yang dicetak tebal dengan lokasi gambar dimana kamu menyimpannya. Kamu bisa menyimpan gambarmu di  www.000webhost.com, webhost atau bisa juga di photobucket dan juga di imageshack atau kalo kamu tidak mau pusing dibawah ini ada beberapa contoh icon/gambar beserta dengan linknya.


Cara Membuat Icon sendiri

Bagaimana cara membuat icon sendiri.,.,?????
Caranya tentu mudah,, dan yang awam pun pasti bisa....
Nah, kali ini saya akan share app untuk membuat icon sendiri...
Pertama2 agan download app'y disini
Oia,, untuk app kali ini agan tidak perlu repot2 untuk menginstalnya.. Setelah agan download kemudian extract, app ini bisa langsung dipakai....

Cara pakainya..,.???a

ahh,, agan pasti bsa... Tinggal klik file dan import deh gambar yang mau agan jadiin icon.....

Dark Horizon free download(game for pc)

Dark Horizon is a third person arcade style space shooter set deep into the future. The galaxy is threatened to be overwhelmed by a dark force known as the Mirk. You take the role of a novice Guardian � an elite fighter pilot who, although infected with Mirk yourself, strives to give humanity and the other sentient races in the galaxy a chance to win against the enemy onslaught. The story picks up with the good guys having just discovered a way to defeat the Mirk by using a special weapon, The Light Core, but it�s not ready yet so you and your squadron mates must defend the Light Core outpost while the work on the project is completed.

Does that sound like a lot of story? You haven�t seen anything yet. Before each episode (which is further divided into missions) you start in your cabin on the carrier space ship. From here you have access to all sorts of dream analysis, records on Mirk, Guardian history, weapons, tactics, and other details. In fact the pre-game, new game, and in-game cut scenes also are heavy on the background and depth of the story. The story takes itself so seriously that I expected to find a very serious space combat simulator and was sadly disappointed when I discovered that the space combat game play has a simplistic arcade feel.

Once you have finished reading the novels in your cabin and reviewing the mission briefings you move to the hanger deck. This brings you to one of the strongest points of the game, ship customization. You can not only change your hull type, shields and weapons, but also use special device and, even better, design your own weapon systems. The �hanger chief� will help you create weapons to the specifications you designate or you can take actual weapon components and string them together yourself to create custom devices. This is a tinkerers dream and you can spend substantial time in this screen changing your ship balance and creating new weapons.

The weapon creation is limited by what actual resources you have on hand. Fortunately, as the missions progress you receive additional components, and the hanger chief will disassemble three devices per day into their components for you.

Once your ship is customized to your liking you take off on the episode. Each episode is divided into missions. Once each mission in an episode is completed successfully you return to your carrier to start the next episode. Episodes are characterized by extensive in-flight chatter from your bizarrely named squadron mates. These dialogs will lay out specific mission objectives as well as pontificate on the good versus evil battle that you are taking part in. The flight controls are extremely difficult to master. The game is clearly designed to be played with a keyboard and mouse and most of the time you will have one hand on the WASD keys and the other on the mouse.

I attempted to play the game with a Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 joystick and found nothing but frustration using it. I could not configure the controls to take advantage of the extra buttons on my joystick nor could I use the twist feature on the joystick to roll my ship. The only joystick buttons that were useable were buttons 1 through 4 and the throttle. The actual control with the joystick was erratic and with all these problems I quickly went back to using a mouse and keyboard to play the game.

Speaking of frustrations, I suffered numerous crash bugs and lock ups on my primary machine, an Intel Core2 Duo system with 2 GB ram and an ATI X1800 video card. Often the screen would freeze and I could hear the mission continuing to take place, in fact, once I even succeeded on a mission while the screen was frozen when my wing mates managed to kill the last enemy fighter. Usually, though, a frozen screen was quickly followed by the sounds of an explosion and then silence as the game went to an invisible �You have died� screen. The only way out for me was to end the process using the Windows task manager.

Publisher: Paradox Interactive
Developer: Paradox Interactive
Release Date: 26.09.2008
Minimum System: n/a

Vehicle Type: Spaceship
Type: Action
Reality Factor: Science Fiction
Perspective: Third-Person
Extra: Other World
Combat Status: Militaristic
Age: Futuristic

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Fifa Soccer 2009 free download

Step onto the pitch and play professional football your way in FIFA 09.
Experience the most authentic football simulation EA Sports has delivered as
you live the fantasy of playing as a professional player and customise the
game to suit your style and ability.

Powered by the third generation of the EA Sports football engine, FIFA 09
features more than 250 core gameplay additions and enhancements that deliver
the most responsive, intelligent and realistic action ever for the series.
Enjoy turning defenders with more controlled dribbling and ball control,
snapping off precision shots with improved first-time shooting mechanics and
firing beautifully timed passes with greater accuracy, placing the ball
exactly where you want it.

With new player momentum physics the speed and weight of the player
determines everything from the distance of a slide tackle and the power of a
header to the severity of player collisions and the height of a player's
jump. Plus, players now behave according to their physical attributes with
larger, stronger players dominating collisions, battles for control of the
ball, and position in challenges for two player headers.

* Polished, Refined Gameplay: Featuring 250 additions and enhancements to
core gameplay, including new animation technology that creates more
responsive first-time shooting and passing, faster and more controlled
dribbling, and improved trapping, and new player momentum physics that
delivers realistic player collisions, authentic jostling for the ball, and
more variation in tackling.
* Custom Team Tactics: Become a first-team coach with the power to tune and
balance 11 tactical sliders for 140 attacking and 40 defending options
(more than 50,000 combinations) so CPU players and your team perform just
like the real-world team or how you think the real team should play. Save
your tactics to make strategic decisions to exploit your opponent's
weaknesses during the game. Plus, share your strategies with friends
* Be A Pro - Seasons: Pick or create a professional player and test your
football ability over a four season campaign. Master a single position
and develop your skills - passing, shooting, positioning, marking - to
ultimately become a national legend.
* Improved Goalkeeper Intelligence: Goalkeepers position themselves more
intelligently, react to shots more realistically and recover from saves
* Customised Controllers: Create your own bespoke controller configuration,
save it and even take it online effortlessly. Assign actions to the
buttons exactly how you like them for complete control.

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Silahkan gan,, tinggal sedot aja.....

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Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Download Virut Remover Free

Jika komputer ditulari virus ketika terhubung ke lan, putuskan dahulu dan re-connect jika komputer lain telah dicek dan dibersihkan.
  • Download file rmvirut.exe
  • Setelah di download, jalankan dengan klik run. Tool ini akan secara otomatis men-scan semua file dan mencoba untuk membersihkannya. Jika virus yang aktif ditemukan di memori, tool akan bertanya kepada anda untuk me-reboot komputer anda. Penyembuhan akan lebih efektif dalam keadaan sytem boot-up, jadi beberapa virus tidak dapat ikut campur dalam proses penyembuhan.
  • Bila anda mempunyai AVG, update AVG anda setelah restart.
Saran saya sih bila anda mempunyai anti-virus Avira, update Avira anda. Jadi virus semacam ini tidak bisa masuk kembali ke komputer anda.

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Semoga bermanfaat....

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Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Avira AntiVir Personal Free Antivirus

Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus adalah salah satu produk gratis. Aplikasi ini hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi. Seperti kebanyakan perangkat lunak antivirus, ia berguna untuk memindai virus dan juga dijalankan sebagai proses Background, memeriksa setiap file yang dibuka dan ditutup. Hal ini dapat mendeteksi dan menghapus kemungkinan rootkits. Ia juga melakukan Update secara otomatis Lewat Internet setiap hari. dengan iklan menyarankan pengguna untuk membeli Avira AntiVir Premium.

untuk download click here

AVG Anti-Virus Free 2011

Revisi AVG Anti-Virus saat ini adalah versi 9.0.xxx dan sejak versi ke-10, program ini lebih menonjolkan tahun rilis daripada versinya, misalnya untuk versi 10 bernama AVG Anti-Virus 2011.

Keunikan AVG dari antivirus lain ialah LinkScanner. Guna LinkScanner adalah men-scan tautan pranala saat menjelajah di dunia maya. Link Scanner berfungsi dengan baik pada peramban Mozilla Firefox dan Internet Explorer. Selain itu, kelebihan dari AVG adalah tersedianya fitur Anti-Rootkit.

Download Macromedia Flash 8

Adobe Flash (dahulu bernama Macromedia Flash) adalah salah satu perangkat lunak komputer yang merupakan produk unggulan Adobe Systems. Adobe Flash digunakan untuk membuat gambar vektor maupun animasi gambar tersebut. Berkas yang dihasilkan dari perangkat lunak ini mempunyai file extension .swf dan dapat diputar di penjelajah web yang telah dipasangi Adobe Flash Player. Flash menggunakan bahasa pemrograman bernama ActionScript yang muncul pertama kalinya pada Flash 5.

Passwordnya: click here

Download Smadav 8.6 free

follow several completings smadav 2010 rev. 8.6:

- database increasing 100 new virus
- heuristic technique increasing to variant virus
- repair inter process communication smartp-0
- repair false alarm in flashdisk u3
- update method change

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